
Showing posts from February, 2019

Walter Marshall on the root of true obedience to God

Walter Marshall on the root of all true obedience to God: If you want to obey God’s law (i.e., the pursuit of holiness), “Your heart has to be freely motivated to obey God’s law. . . Some people think that all you need to obey God is a free will. I agree that free will is important, but there is something deeper. They never think about the fact that no one WANTS to do good or obey God. Every human being has a heart that is totally inclined toward evil, not toward good. In your natural [fallen] state, the direction of your heart is completely toward evil. Such a “free will” as this can never free you from slavery to sin and satan, and enable you to keep God’s law! Therefore, stop debating about free will, and get to the real issue: in your natural [fallen] state, all you ever want to do is evil. So, in your natural [fallen] state, that is all you will choose to do. . . You cannot possibly keep the commandments of God if you hate them!. . . True obedience means you love to obey God!.

Ebenezer Erskine[0]=68.ARDd61Uami-omIURQLsBK0FBZ9KLBcpx24ihq0ZCEkJhBzBYfjm7pecl1xR0YODlG6L4Vv4ldVEhl0qvqzMgt2TbcmaUjhEUqw2q4HyGBKAmBkblfP6pUdS-Q-OkBJ1pZT6up7JDsQUQmyccuPRheoZ8e8jJQLvCm3hZRAkPppBcbPiTZPbIaDYGWnU1L26CBvfnlGuqmg551jSsBw&__tn__=C-R

Sermon with John Fonville

Sermon - The Normal Christian Life

Law and Gospel

Thomas Watson

Jesus Christ is the sum and quintessence of the gospel; the wonder of angels; the joy and triumph of saints. The name of Jesus is sweet, it is as music in the ear, honey in the mouth, and a cordial at the heart.  # PuritanThomasWatson .

Martin Luther
