
Showing posts from November, 2019

Jerry Bridges

The realization that my daily relationship with God is based on the infinite merit of Christ instead of on my own performance is a very freeing and joyous experience. 

Psalm 100


Christ’s Threefold Office by Kim Riddlebarger

How Do I Know I'm A Christian? written by John Fonville

Are we Evangelical ? By Gospel Gal

What is the federal vision about ?

Suffering and the Heart of God: How Trauma Destroys and Christ Restores - Diane Langberg

Rid of my Disgrace: The Work of Christ and the Effects of Abuse - Justin Holcomb

Just In Time For Reformation Day: The Return Of The Federal Visionists (And Their Allies)

Union with Christ in Paul’s Epistles by J.V. Fesko

Listen to John Fonville preach Who Could Stand ? Dear Christian, Now the good news is that we can stand before God in the judgment with confidence because Christ has fully obeyed the Law's precepts in His life and He has fully satisfied the Law's penalties through a perfect, obedient sacrifice... and we become the righteousness of God, in Him... The Judge's end-time verdict has already been rendered in the present...You have already passed through the great last judgment when Christ suffered the eternal last judgment for your sins on the cross.