
Showing posts from July, 2020

Jesus Saves us

Following Jesus isn't what saves us, Jesus saves us. Submitting to Jesus isn't what saves us, Jesus saves us. Not that we shouldn't submit to Jesus or follow Jesus but doing these things aren't what save us .Jesus saves us . We are saved by what Jesus has done for us not by what we do . He lived a perfect life on my behalf (obeyed the law perfectly for me) , He died a substitutionary death—in my place, He was buried, He rose again on the third day from the grave for my justification, then He ascended into Heaven where He is now seated at the Right Hand of the Father and forever lives to make intercession for me. - Quote in the picture is by Joy Dudley-

Gospel Gal: Christ Our Advocate: Joy Dudley

Gospel Gal: Christ Our Advocate: Joy Dudley : Christ Our Advocate: Joy Dudley (Heidelberg Q&A 49) How does Christ's Ascension into heaven benefit us? First he is our Advoca...

He Will Hold Me Fast (Live) - Keith & Kristyn Getty, Selah


J.I. Packer - Weakness is the Way


Heidelberg Question and Answer 56

~ Scripture proof ~ 1.Ps 103:3, 4, 10, 12; Mic 7:18, 19; 2 Cor 5:18-21; 1 Jn 1:7; 2:2. 2.Rom 7:21-25. 3.Jn 3:17, 18; 5:24; Rom 8:1, 2.

Gospel Gal: Rest in the Righteousness of Christ~Joy Dudley

Gospel Gal: Rest in the Righteousness of Christ~Joy Dudley : Like lighting one small candle to supplement the sun, is adding man's weak merit to what our Lord has done; For He the books of heaven ...

Heidelberg Questions and Answers 60 and 61 with Scripture proofs

Heidelberg 60. Q. How are you righteous before God? A. Only by true faith in Jesus Christ. 1 Although my conscience accuses me that I have grievously sinned against all God's commandments, have never kept any of them, 2 and am still inclined to all evil, 3 yet God, without any merit of my own, 4 out of mere grace, 5 imputes to me the perfect satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ. 6 He grants these to me as if I had never had nor committed any sin, and as if I myself had accomplished all the obedience which Christ has rendered for me, 7 if only I accept this gift with a believing heart. 8 1.Rom 3:21-28; Gal 2:16; Eph 2:8, 9; Phil 3:8-11. 2.Rom 3:9, 10. 3.Rom 7:23. 4.Deut 9:6; Ezek 36:22; Tit 3:4, 5. 5.Rom 3:24; Eph 2:8. 6.Rom 4:3-5; 2 Cor 5:17-19; 1 Jn 2:1, 2. 7.Rom 4:24, 25; 2 Cor 5:21. 8.Jn 3:18; Acts 16:30, 31; Rom 3:22. ~~~~~~~~~ Heidelberg 61. Q. Why do you say that you are righteous only by faith? A. Not that I am acceptable to God on account of the worthines

Union with Christ in Paul’s Epistles by J.V. Fesko ~article from Tabletalk Magazine~

Union with Christ in Paul’s Epistles by J.V. Fesko ~article from Tabletalk Magazine~ One of the most breath-taking passages of Scripture appears in the opening of Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, where the Apostle literally starts at the very beginning when he writes, “In love he [that is, God] predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ” (1:4–5). As Paul unfolds all of the blessings that believers receive, he anchors salvation in Christ with the repetition of a phrase: “In him …” Paul writes, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses … to unite all things in him…. In him we have obtained an inheritance…. In him you also … were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” (vv. 7–13, emphasis mine). Paul repeats the refrain “in him,” which points us to the doctrine of union with Christ. But what exactly is union with Christ? In his Systematic Theology, Louis Berkhof defines union with Christ as “that intimate, vital, and spiritual union betw

Obey they said written by Jennifer Bales

 How come nobody ever told me before that Jesus obeyed the law perfectly for me  ? I am so thankful that Jesus obeyed the law perfectly for me because i never could .  He lived a perfect life on my behalf, and died a substitutionary death—in my place, He was buried ,He rose again on the third day from the grave for my justification, then He ascended into Heaven where He is now seated at the Right Hand of the Father and forever lives to make intercession for me.

Jesus Surrendered all posted with permission from Eternally Assured's blog