
Showing posts from April, 2021

Gospel Gal: The Whole Package

Gospel Gal: The Whole Package : So many Christians live with anxiety about what they are doing, and how God is relating to them. Listen. Everything that is needed for salva...

JOHN COLQUHOUN (1748–1827), A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel, 143–44 (via : Inwoo Lee)

Ignorance of the difference between the law and the gospel promotes also, in a great degree, the strength and influence of a self-righteous temper. When a man is driven to acts of obedience by the dread of God’s wrath revealed in the law, and not drawn to them by the belief of His love revealed in the gospel; when he fears God because of His power and justice, and not because of His goodness; when he regards God more as an avenging Judge than as a compassionate Friend and Father; and when he contemplates God rather as terrible in majesty than as infinite in grace and mercy, he shows that he is under the dominion, or at least under the prevalence, of a legal spirit. If he builds his faith of the pardon of sin, of the favor of God, and of eternal life upon any graces which he supposes are implanted in him, or upon any duties which are performed by him, he is evidently under the power of the self-righteous temper. He shows that he is under the influence of his hateful temper by grounding

Olevianus, Caspar, An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed - via John Fonville

Struggling believer do not fear Christ's return and the final judgment: ". . . the very person of the Judge removes all our fear. For the Father handed over all judgment to the Son as the Son of Man so that He might calm our consciences and remove all terror of condemnation (John 5:22, 27). This is because we believe now that He will be the Judge, and also because with our eyes we will gaze on Him in whose body our sins have been atoned for and the entire curse removed (Heb. 9:28; Titus 2:12–14)." Olevianus, Caspar, An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed

Gospel Gal: No Other Gospel

Gospel Gal: No Other Gospel :   It is very alarming that certain men are so revered that they actually and ironically end up elevated to a Pope-like status. There is no m...

What is Pietism? How does Pietism Effect the Christian Life? | ask Theocast


The gospel is what we need

The gospel is what we need to hear preached from the pulpit every Sunday. Not funny stories, not being told what will make us more moral or better people . We need the Gospel

Michael S. Horton quote

His righteousness is imputed to us through faith alone, so that we’re not only forgiven, but God views us in Christ as though we had perfectly fulfilled all righteousness already. That’s why there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. ~Michael S. Horton

Jesus, Gentle and Lowly | Theocast


Jimmy Buehler quote

The gospel says, “you are forgiven,” not “try again.”

Justin Purdue quote

We are often told that maturity in the faith means we are more self-sufficient, stronger, etc. But in reality, maturity means we are more aware of how needy we are.

Gospel Gal: How Does the Law of God Apply to the Believer?

Gospel Gal: How Does the Law of God Apply to the Believer? :   Matthew 22:  36  “Teacher, which command in the law is the greatest?” [ a ]  37  He said to him,  “ Love the Lord your God with all your h...