
Showing posts from May, 2021

Who is this Son of Man? // Paramount Church // March 28, 2021


God is Love // Paramount Church // May 30, 2021


JOHN COLQUHOUN (1748–1827), A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel, 143–44

Ignorance of the difference between the law and the gospel promotes also, in a great degree, the strength and influence of a self-righteous temper. When a man is driven to acts of obedience by the dread of God’s wrath revealed in the law, and not drawn to them by the belief of His love revealed in the gospel; when he fears God because of His power and justice, and not because of His goodness; when he regards God more as an avenging Judge than as a compassionate Friend and Father; and when he contemplates God rather as terrible in majesty than as infinite in grace and mercy, he shows that he is under the dominion, or at least under the prevalence, of a legal spirit. If he builds his faith of the pardon of sin, of the favor of God, and of eternal life upon any graces which he supposes are implanted in him, or upon any duties which are performed by him, he is evidently under the power of the self-righteous temper. He shows that he is under the influence of his hateful temper by grounding ...

Gospel Gal: Jesus is the Fulfillment

Gospel Gal: Jesus is the Fulfillment : Jesus is the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant (Covenant of Grace) These are some helpful and comforting truths gleaned from John Fonvil...

Written by Sam Powell

So just a quick reminder here: The "dominion mandate" - be fruitful and multiply and have dominion - was given to our first parents, Adam and Eve. It was related to the kingdom of God. Adam and Eve were to fill the earth with image-bearers of God as vice-regents of the King. They failed and the whole world fell into the bondage of sin. Satan usurped the kingdom, holding the world in bondage through the fear of death. But Jesus, the second Adam, broke that power through death by his resurrection. He ascended into heaven, having been given power over all things. He is even now spreading his kingdom through the proclamation of the gospel and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is not of this earth and is not spread with the weapons and strategies of this earth. He established the kingdom of God, binding the "Strong man" and plundering his kingdom through the proclamation of the Gospel. The "dominion mandate" is not fulfilled by "kingdom fecundity...

Gospel Gal: A Curriculum for Covenant Theology/Infant Baptism

Gospel Gal: A Curriculum for Covenant Theology/Infant Baptism : A Curriculum for Covenant Theology/Infant Baptism This teaching from John Fonville (Paramount Church) and R. Scott Clark (Heidelblog) ...

The Biblical Theological Case for Covenantal Baptism, Part 1


Are You Reading Your Bible Wrong | ask Theocast

Do you read your Bible like an instructional manual for the Christian life? A handbook for godly living? Does your time in the word each day consist of you trying to apply the passage you read to your daily life? Is this how God intended Christians to read His word? Click the link to hear our response to this question in this weeks episode of ask Theocast!

Just sharing a thought

The bible is not a marriage or parenting manual . The Bible is not about us . Christ is the subject of Scripture and all of scripture reveals Christ .