The BAD news and the Good news

The BAD news: You are a guilty sinner, deserving of God's wrath, and so am I. We have lied, spoken blasphemy, stolen, and murdered, if not in body, in spirit. These are only four of the Ten Commandments. The Bible says that if we offend in ONE point, we are guilty of ALL. Based on a standard of human morality, or commandment keeping, we are all EPIC FAILURES and stand guilty before the God Who made us.
The GOOD news: about 2000 years ago God sent His own Son, Jesus, as a human. Remaining fully God, He also became fully man. He lived a perfect life, kept every law, fully pleasing God in every way we have failed. Even though He was tempted exactly like we are, He remained pure from every sin. But because of OUR sin, He gave His body to be crucified on a cross, receiving the WRATH of God that we deserved, dying, then rising from the dead. He became sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him, declared innocent by Him, that we might live for Him in this life and for eternity.
Part of living for Him NOW, means believing in Him: placing your full faith in Him, in the sacrifice that He made on behalf of His own, and repenting: changing our direction in life, from running headlong into sin, including relying on our own standards or goodness to earn us favor with God, and turning to Christ, Who has become our life and our salvation.
via Marissa N Mark-
